Monday, October 3, 2011

Great conference and super crazy week!

Heyyyyyyyy mama, I love you! Thank you for the letters.  It's been a super crazy week. I'll try to get my pictures for both transfers mailed out to you in the next couple of weeks. Congratulations on all of your success with your book! Are you going to send me one? Man, that's really awesome. My companion's name is elder maddox - he's from lewiston ut.. grew up on a dairy farm. WE are the ZL's.. every zone leader is companions with another one. I live in South Robertson. Do you and dad read the emails I send to you both? You should - I put the info in both. Sara will be such an amazing missionary - i'm really excited for her. Anyway - conference was amazing. It's almost better than christmas - the only thing thats missing is the phone call home to you all haha. I really liked all of the talks on missionary work - there were a bunch of them! This last week I had the opportunity to go on splits in Korea Town with the korean elders. It was really cool! I had NO idea what they were saying or what I ate, but it was a super super cool experience. We are having such a great time teaching William - he's really progressing fast. We have a member in the ward that served in China a few years back - they have really connected. He has gone from saying that he would never pray to a God that he doesn't know is real, to praying at the end of every lesson without us even asking. It's so great. He loooooved conference - he said 'it was beautiful'. It's been amazing to see his progression over the past few weeks. He's a genius. We presented the new zone goal this last week - I came up with this one. It's called 'extreme makeover: marina zone edition' (e. maddox came up with the name) - we are choosing 1 thing, along with setting baptismal dates, in every district - setting a goal to BREAK for the week and then going at it. I let them throw a dart at a special board that I made - it's got different prizes on it. SO, they aren't only working for baptisms and blessings, but also for whatever they hit on the board.. (pizza, picnic, cookies, zone leaders singing... things like that) It should be good! everyone seemed excited about it - we're hoping that it will help motivate the missionaries in this 'rich and diverse' part of the city. Well I love you all and am so glad that you enjoyed conference. Thank you for your prayers - I feel them everyday.
Keep reading, keep praying, keep the faith!
Love, Elder Cottrell
p.s. you're welcome to send more treats if you'd like!

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