Sunday, January 1, 2012

Merry Christmas 2011

12-20-11 Tuesday
Today we had a mission leadership training down in torrance, it went alot better than the last one where we all just got chewed out. We learned about making some mobile area books and how we can communicate having more faith with those in our districts and zones. We went to Krispy Kreme afterwards - that was a bonus. I got a haircut yesterday that looks terrible so elder langi fixed it up - I gave him a present that mom sent to me to give to another elder - he was really really appreciative of that. My comp and I look like we are going into the army with our fresh new cuts. We taught marianna the plan of salvation - she loved it and wants to come to church. She's doing great - just scared to be alone in sacrament. We found a good fellowshipper for her. We visited a less active member - he went on a mission to Slavakia - he loves the gospel, but doesn't believe the Joseph Smith story. It was really hard to help him - but he has alot of desire to come back - he just wants to have more faith in the story before he does. We had a lesson with Hua - he is doing awesome. He seems to really understand baptism now and is not so afraid of it. He's thinking of a date!
We did our weekly service - there were alot of people at the farmers market because of the upcoming holiday - it was fun. I went on splits afterwards with Elder Ewing, one of the district leaders in my zone. He is from Morgan, UT - he's a really funny kid. We just did some fishing most of the day. It's great to teach elders on splits AND to learn from them and their methods.
We did some weekly planning today - we talked to Hector for a little while - he has some family in town from Guatemala and they were making Tamales - they let us sample some of the food. It was super good. We ate with Bro. Martinez at Tacomiendo - it was really good - i'm going to take the family there one day. We went to the Visitors Center and met Aphrodite there. We were so happy she showed up. We have planned that trip so many times and it's fallen through. Cory helped us out too - we watched some videos on God's plan for His family and learned more about service. It was great. Aphrodite loved the lights and the spirit she felt there.
District meeting day. I wanted to do something for the zone for Christmas but couldn't figure out what to do... I have a ton of stuff that i've collected over the past 22 months that I don't want to take home. So, I wrapped up 22 presents - just random stuff that I could find in the apartment (shirts, potting soil, ties, little games, old stockings, chruch dvd's, etc.). We put them in a huge luggage trunk that we found in our alley and then took them to the meetings. The sisters loved it - we trained on missionary moments in baptisms and everytime someone answered a question or commented, i'd throw them a present. It was really fun. We ate dinner with a guy in the singles ward - his girlfriend just broke up with him - he was super sad and asked for a blessing. Poor guy haha I hope that's never me.
Christmas Eve - still exciting even though i'm 22 and away from family. We went to the westwood building for the mission - wide christmas music devotional. It went well- afterwards we all talked and took pictures. We got all of our packages and mail and then took them to the apartment. We set up a service project to sing to the old folks - we sang christmas songs - they really enjoyed it. Erna sang along with us. There were alot of members that gave us gifts and fed us food today - it was so kind of them. We went to subway and I used a giftcard to carry on the family tradition of paying for someone elses meal annonymously. I asked the cashier what I could do - she said that everyday there are 2 homeless men that come in and get water - I said to please give the sandwhiches to them - I left her with a couple of pass along cards to give them as well. That was a good feeling - it's so nice to do service and to help someone in need - even if you don't see the outcome of the kind act. We made some peanut butter bars and cookies to deliver to some people that have helped us so much in the area - that also brought a great feeling. We ate with the Choto family - it was really really good. Turkey, mashed potatoes, great food that felt like home - they even gave us presents! They gave us both matching Nike hoodies - the people here are so nice and humble. I hope I can take what I am learning from them and apply it into my life forever. I opened my 'Christmas Eve' present from mom and dad - some fresh new pajamas. Bonus!
Today turned out to be super busy - I gave Hectors son, Brian my remote control helicopter for Christmas - he loved it - but they didnt' come to the one hour church service. Bummer. We went to church and took the sacrament - it was a great program today. We delivered some more cookies to members and then got a call that said Austin would be going in for another surgery and REALLY wanted to take the sacrament - he couldnt eat or drink anything though do to the circumstances - we read the prayers and he took it 'symbolically' - he is so skinny and pale from being in the hospital so long. I really really hope he gets better soon - he has been through so much. His family has been through it all lately. They are in our prayers. We ate with bro martinez and then talked to our families - everyone sounds so great. I feel pretty sick though and felt bad that I didnt sound way excited to talk to them. We ate with the Ramos's for dinner - they are so happy all of the time. It's always a great experience to go over there. We didn't have any more plans so we invited some elders over to play some table ping pong with the new set up that mom and dad sent - it was really fun!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year - I love you all and hope your week is great!
Love, Elder Cottrell

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