Tuesday 2-14-12
Today we had a misson leadership training down in torrance. It went well - all of the missionaries that are leaving this transfer were given the opportunity to bare their testimony for everyone there. It was a good experience. I went on exchanges with Elder Ewing. A sister in malibu took us to a pretty nice restaurant for dinner. Happy Valentines Day. We went way up into the mountains to help another sister fix her washing machine. It was a good day in Malibu.
Today I had my 'departing missionary training' with the rest of the missionaries going home with me. There are 9 of us I think. President and Sister Baker talked to us for a couple hours about setting goals and being prepared 'to enter into the real world' - it was pretty fun. They gave us alot of papers to fill out before we leave about what our plans and goals are - both long term and short-term. We walked to the temple afterwards and had a chapel session with the temple president and his wife - they know grandma and grandpa cottrell - their names are pres and sister Larkins. We did a session afterwards - it was a great experience. I was able to finish the Book of Mormon in the Celestial room and pray about it again. I'll save that experience for another time. We practiced our songs that we will sing in the fireside next sunday and then I got back with my companion.
We went to a district meeting today that went really well. I'll miss these elders and sisters. We ate lunch and then did some weekly planning. I started to organize and pack a little bit today. We ate with the Barahona's and then taught a referral - we have been trying to contact her for a really long time. She is pretty awesome, she said she will be at church this sunday. BUT she admitted that she is lazy. That's a first.. We taught Victor the Word of Wisdom. He is a really really smart kid. I nicknamed him 'Intel'. He's excited to be baptized on the 26th.
We went to another district meeting and then ate with the missionaries at carls jr. They bought my food to thank me for my service - they're good missionaries. Almost everyone we tried to see today wasn't home. It was depressing - but I know that one day I will probably miss even that aspect of the work.
Today we went to the church with the Elders in the zone to help out with the California African American Geneological Society - they were using the building to do a presentation on geneology. We set up tables and things for them and were there for most of the day. We saw Hector and Brian for a minute, Hector can't come to church tomorrow, but Brian will get a ride with some members. We ate BBQ at the Sanchez's - we could smell it as we walked to their apartment and prayed that it was for us. Bonus. Prayer works. We talked with Jonathon for a little while - another really smart kid. We challenged him to read The Restoration pamphlet before church tomorrow and then to tell us about it. We taught brother calderon - as we taught him, a girl that lives with he and his family was listening in the background. She was standing behind me in the kitchen, cooking. Every once in a while I would see her out of the corner of my eye popping her head out to listen. Finally, she asked if she could say something. She came and sat down with us. We taught her The Restoration and she believed most of it. She wants us to come back. That was a really neat experience for my companion and I. We ran 'the circuit' tonight - we lost our best time by 5 seconds. Bummer.
Church today - Brian came - along with Victor, his brother Erik and his mother. For the first half hour, I was sitting on a bench with the three of them - there wasn't room for their mother. They are all under the age of 11. They started to talk to one another and it got kind of out of hand. I was freaking out - I don't have children and don't know how to get them to settle down very well I guess. Finally, they got done passing the sacrament and I had my comp. take brian to another row and replaced him with Victor's mom. Smooth sailing from then on out. Thank heavens for mothers. We ate with Brother Martinez and then I practiced "The Test" with Hua - he is going to play the piano for me in the departing missionary fireside next week. I have been able to call alot of the people i've worked with over the last two years to invite them to the fireside next sunday - it's been so cool to hear how everyone is doing. I'm excited to see them again.
That was the week - we'll see you soon. I love you all
Elder Cottrell

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