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front row on the end.....the other end. Good Job Sammers! |
I am A Mormon Soldier in God's Army proudly serving in the CLAM- California Los Angeles Mission Spanish
Monday, February 27, 2012
Final Test, Final Letter!
Tuesday 2-21-12
Today was the final test, I believe. From 12 to 5, we knocked doors with no success. It reminded me alot of the hard times I had a year ago in Lynwood - fishing all day long, pleading to God that we'd find someone, anyone to listen. It was rough. Finally at 5, we went to sister Diaz's and taught Victor one of his last lessons before his baptism. We ate with the Barahona's and then went to the stake center for Victor's interview. While we waited for him to be done, I gave his grandmother a blessing. She is going in for surgery tomorrow and is very nervous. Victor passed his interview and will be baptized on Sunday. He asked if I could be the person to baptize him. I'd be more than honored to do that on my last Sunday in the mission. We went to the Calderon's afterwards and helped them clean a really dirty refrigerator. Long day!
Today we went to give service at the old folks home for the last time. It was a beautiful day. I got to take Erna for my last walk. I told her how much i'll miss her and said that i'll do my best to come visit her sometime soon. We ate some lunch with the other missionaries and then had a zone leadership meeting to plan the zone goal for march. On the freeway today we saw a city bus cut off a little honda. The honda honked at the bus and drove really close behind it. The bus driver stopped and got out... on the freeway. He walked up to the window of the honda and just started yelling at the guy driving. The bus driver even walked along side the car to keep yelling at him.. on the freeway. I'll miss you, crazy people of L.A. We ate at the Guarneros' and then took brother barahona a birthday present. He showed us pictures of his gal stones. Bonus...
We went to district meeting today. I brought all of the stuff that I wont be taking home and let all of the missionaries go through it. It was like Christmas for them, I believe. Glad I could help. We taught Hector about the Sabbath day and about fasting. I was really tired for some reason and had to fight to stay awake, He's doing great though, he will get baptized some day.. just not this week. We went to the farmers market near our apartment to see a member that works there. She gave us some food and said that she will miss me coming by. She set up an apointment with my companion to have a lesson next week. We taught Victor 4 of the 10 commandments and then went to dinner with a few guys in the singles ward - cory, jonathon and my buddy hua. It was great to see them all again. They're all really really solid guys with strong testimonies of the church.
Today went well - I went to my last district meeting. Elder Hoyt and Sister Orellana gave great trainings. We went to yogurtland afterwards and I dumped mine on my freshly dry-cleaned suit. Nice. We went to say goodbye to the Barrios and ate some soup there. We knocked a few doors and then went to dinner with Dustin and Shane - two of my favorite guys from the singles ward. We ate alot of food - empanada's and spudnuts. Hopefully some of it will stick. We ate even more food when we went to brother calderon's. We taught The Restoration - Cindy was there again and still really interested. Today some kids at school accidentally kicked their soccer ball over the fence into the road. I ran over to get the ball and kick it back to them. I kicked it really hard.. in the wrong direction. I really didnt' mean to. My companion just sat there and laughed way hard while all of the kids looked through the fence super distraught. I was too embarrassed to look back at them. Someone got out of there car and threw the ball back to them. Whoops.
Today I went to the church to practice The Test with Hua. I think it should go pretty well tomorrow. We taught hector and brian about tithing - they both committed to live it. We drove up one of the canyons in malibu to do our weekly planning one last time. It was really nice. We ate with the Ramos's - sister ramos wasnt feeling too well, so I gave her a blessing. I'm really going to miss that family. We taught Victor the rest of the 10 commandments. He is all ready to be baptized tomorrow.
The day that i've been looking forward to and dreading for my entire mission. We woke up really early and went to a coorelation meeting. We put together the baptism program for victor and went to a meeting with the stake to report on missionary work. President Baker announced that it would be my last time in the meeting. They all thanked me for my service and I said goodbye. The La Cienega ward threw a little party for a girl that just got home from her mission a few weeks ago, and for myself. They had us both bare our testimonies and then we ate. I said goodbye to alot of people that i'll really miss. We ate lunch with brother martinez and then headed to set up everything for the baptism. It went great - everything ran really smoothly. I was able to baptize Victor - a very amazing and humbling experience. He's such a good kid and i'm so proud of him for being baptized. We went straight from the baptism down to torrance for the departing missionary fireside. There are 7 of us going home this transfer. We all sang 2 songs, I sang a solo (The Test) and then 4 of us sang another song. I practiced with Hua and then the fireside started. So many people that i've worked with over the past two years were seated in the audience. I smiled as I watched them all walk in and sit down. We started the fireside with my song, and elder bore his testimony and then it was my turn. The song went well I think. I was pretty nervous. I bore my testimony of service and of the Book of Mormon. It was an awesome opportunity to share knowledge with so many people that i've grown to love over my mission. I had the chance to talk to everyone that came to see me afterwards for about an hour. They brought me so many gifts and said so many kind things to me. It was such an awesome awesome experience that i'll never forget. I have always dreaded the day that i'd have to get up in front of everyone and say goodbye - but I have always looked forward to sharing what I know to be true and having the peace that comes with knowing that you served well. I went back to the apartment smiling from ear to ear and finished packing.
I know that this is the one true church on the face of the earth. I know that Jesus Christ made it possible for us to be clean from sin. I know that if we will humble ourselves and yield to the promptings of the Spirit, we will have happier, safer and more rewarding lives. I know that I have changed because of the things I know to be true. I know that if I apply the things that I have learned on my mission, I will one day live with my Father in Heaven again with the ones that I love. I am so grateful for my loved ones, family and friends whom have prayed for me and supported me in all that I do. I will forever be indebted to them, my Savior and my God.
I love you all so much and will see you soon!
Love, Elder Cottrell
p.s. keep reading, keep praying, keep the faith
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
1 more week in the Field.
Tuesday 2-14-12
Today we had a misson leadership training down in torrance. It went well - all of the missionaries that are leaving this transfer were given the opportunity to bare their testimony for everyone there. It was a good experience. I went on exchanges with Elder Ewing. A sister in malibu took us to a pretty nice restaurant for dinner. Happy Valentines Day. We went way up into the mountains to help another sister fix her washing machine. It was a good day in Malibu.
Today I had my 'departing missionary training' with the rest of the missionaries going home with me. There are 9 of us I think. President and Sister Baker talked to us for a couple hours about setting goals and being prepared 'to enter into the real world' - it was pretty fun. They gave us alot of papers to fill out before we leave about what our plans and goals are - both long term and short-term. We walked to the temple afterwards and had a chapel session with the temple president and his wife - they know grandma and grandpa cottrell - their names are pres and sister Larkins. We did a session afterwards - it was a great experience. I was able to finish the Book of Mormon in the Celestial room and pray about it again. I'll save that experience for another time. We practiced our songs that we will sing in the fireside next sunday and then I got back with my companion.
We went to a district meeting today that went really well. I'll miss these elders and sisters. We ate lunch and then did some weekly planning. I started to organize and pack a little bit today. We ate with the Barahona's and then taught a referral - we have been trying to contact her for a really long time. She is pretty awesome, she said she will be at church this sunday. BUT she admitted that she is lazy. That's a first.. We taught Victor the Word of Wisdom. He is a really really smart kid. I nicknamed him 'Intel'. He's excited to be baptized on the 26th.
We went to another district meeting and then ate with the missionaries at carls jr. They bought my food to thank me for my service - they're good missionaries. Almost everyone we tried to see today wasn't home. It was depressing - but I know that one day I will probably miss even that aspect of the work.
Today we went to the church with the Elders in the zone to help out with the California African American Geneological Society - they were using the building to do a presentation on geneology. We set up tables and things for them and were there for most of the day. We saw Hector and Brian for a minute, Hector can't come to church tomorrow, but Brian will get a ride with some members. We ate BBQ at the Sanchez's - we could smell it as we walked to their apartment and prayed that it was for us. Bonus. Prayer works. We talked with Jonathon for a little while - another really smart kid. We challenged him to read The Restoration pamphlet before church tomorrow and then to tell us about it. We taught brother calderon - as we taught him, a girl that lives with he and his family was listening in the background. She was standing behind me in the kitchen, cooking. Every once in a while I would see her out of the corner of my eye popping her head out to listen. Finally, she asked if she could say something. She came and sat down with us. We taught her The Restoration and she believed most of it. She wants us to come back. That was a really neat experience for my companion and I. We ran 'the circuit' tonight - we lost our best time by 5 seconds. Bummer.
Church today - Brian came - along with Victor, his brother Erik and his mother. For the first half hour, I was sitting on a bench with the three of them - there wasn't room for their mother. They are all under the age of 11. They started to talk to one another and it got kind of out of hand. I was freaking out - I don't have children and don't know how to get them to settle down very well I guess. Finally, they got done passing the sacrament and I had my comp. take brian to another row and replaced him with Victor's mom. Smooth sailing from then on out. Thank heavens for mothers. We ate with Brother Martinez and then I practiced "The Test" with Hua - he is going to play the piano for me in the departing missionary fireside next week. I have been able to call alot of the people i've worked with over the last two years to invite them to the fireside next sunday - it's been so cool to hear how everyone is doing. I'm excited to see them again.
That was the week - we'll see you soon. I love you all
Elder Cottrell

Monday, February 13, 2012
2 weeks to go
2:37 PM (22 minutes ago) ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Samuel Cottrell <samuel.cottrell@myldsmail.net > wrote:
2-7-12 Tuesday
Today I went on splits with Elder Hoyt, in my area. We taught Hector first, he's doing well but still wants to wait for his wife to come to church before he makes his decision on being baptized this month or not. He works at Domino's and gave us some pizza dough to make our own pizza's at the apartment. Rad. We went to the Guarnero's and ate 'chiliquila's' - one of my favorite mexican plates - we read about Alma's conversion and talked about that for a while. Sister Guarneros wants her husband to get baptized so that she can be sealed in the temple. It's heartbreaking to see her - you can tell that she is just aching for it. I hope that we can do something to help Brother Guarneros get there.
I got a call from my companion this morning - he and the elder he was on splits with were locked out of their apartment. They went outside in the morning to work out and ended up locking themselves out. No one had a spare key, so Elder Hoyt and I drove to the mission office to get the spare up there - they ended up sitting on the porch of the apartment for 3 hours. I laughed really hard. Poor guys. We did service - Erna was too tired to go, so I took Gwyn - she's pretty cool, but no one is like my Erna. I tried this thing afterwards called a Boba - some smoothing drink with tapioca balls at the bottom. I'm pretty sure I gagged. Mom might like something like that though. Ha. I got back with Elder Matheson and we taught a new investigator - Kristina - she loved the message of The Restoration and said she had felt the spirit. We are excited for her. We bought some things from the dollar store to make our pizza's with the dough Hector gave us. We made a pepperoni pizza, a bbq chicken, and a dessert pizza - they turned out pretty good. We took some to Hector to thank him. We ate "mole de hoya" at the Barrios' home - it was super good. We watched a video with them on mormon.org explaining why we should be grateful for the freedom that God has given us. We made cookies for a lesson we have tonight - we taught Victor, Danny, their mom and their grandma (the mom and grandma are members - victor is 11 and danny is 6) - we taught about the restoration - we built a church with Book of Mormon's and explained the apostacy- they really liked it. Victor wants to be baptized on the 26th of this month - bonuuuusssss.
Today we went to a combined district meeting with the westwood zone leaders. It went pretty well, we talked about goal setting. We met with a recently returned sister missionary for dinner - she went to peru and talked to us about some of the experiences she had. She is so eager to help the work move forward in her own town. I thought that was pretty cool. We did weekly planning today at the Drake Stadium - the track stadium at UCLA - That was fun. We had a lesson with Andres - he said that he has a hard time staying awake sometimes in school - I told him to pray for help and he'll be more awake. Prayer works for that too, right?
This morning we woke up at 6 to go run up the culver city mountain. We went and looked at it the other day - it's this HUGE hill that's been transformed into basically a work-out park. It's a 1/2 mile to the top - you can take stairs, a dirt trail or a paved trail. I bet my companion (a kid that runs track for BYU) that we could run up it in 4 minutes. He said there was no way - that it would take us probably 8. We argued for a minute about it and decided the only way to find out, was to try it. So we went this morning. We started at the same time - we forgot how steep this hill was (we took the paved route) - it was super super hard. He quit running about 2 minutes into it and passed me the timer to keep going. I gave it my all to get to the top... I made it in 5 minutes and 15 seconds.. more than 4, less than 8. I almost died though - my legs were on fire, my head was pounding and my throat felt like I swallowed a knife every time I inhaled. We chilled at the top for a few minutes - we watched the sun rise over L.A. - you can see everything up there - our whole mission - downtown, santa monica, the ocean - down to the docks. It was cool - we ran the dirt trail back down - it was easier, but still hard. We had a district meeting today and used this experience to help teach how to use the Spirit as we set goals - it went really well. This old man talked to us for an hour about the army- only the 2nd lesson in my whole mission in which I dozed off for just a second. I felt bad... but seriously man... Anyway, we visited a lady in a convalescent hospital and gave her a blessing - she was grateful to have us there. We went to Brother Calderon's (an inactive member) and started to help him cut a new door for his bedroom - we were in our missionary clothes and he didnt want us to get dirty, but we insisted. It was so much fun - I really miss that kind of work. We sanded it, cut it to size and painted it. We left for an appointment, but they canceled. So we changed into some clothes that we could get dirty and went back to surprise brother calderon. We helped him build some shelves and install them - he was very grateful. So was I.
Brother Calderon was looking for a board a little bigger than he had - his family doesn't have anything at all - they are really really poor, so buying anything was out of the question. Today we found an entertainment center sitting on the side of the road, with what looked to be the exact size of board that he needed. We checked it out and decided that it was worth a shot. We got a screw driver from the apartment and went back to where it was. We took it apart and threw the big board in our car, along with all of the screws that we took out. We took it to Brother Calderon - he was so so grateful that we remembered and cared enough to bring him this simple, used piece of wood. It was a great experience. We taught a new investigator - Jonathon. He is the step-son of a member. He is really really smart. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and he thinks that it is true... he just hates church. He's 13 years old and gets bored really easily. We are really excited to work with him. Plus his mother makes us really good food everytime we are there. Bonus. I hit my head on a branch overhaning the sidewalk - that was graceful.
I guess I talked in my sleep last night... It went something like "tall? sister thompson is tall... psh, no.. he's just big boned" - I don't remember my dream and sister thompson is about 4 foot 9. Church went well, we had our early meeting and then the regular block. Victor and his family came - we will teach them later tonight. We made some stuff called 'naan' - it's like an indian bread - we gave some to a member that told us about it. There is a new elder in the zone - well temporarily - he is waiting for his Visa to go to Mexico. We get alot of those. We ate with the Lopez family and I preached repentance. We had a lesson with Victor and his family - we explained the Plan of Salvation and told everyone to draw what they think it looks like - then we gave awards for the best one's at the end. That was pretty fun, they seemed to like it alot. It was a good day.
I love you all and will talk to you soon!
Monday, February 6, 2012
5.4.3.....3 more to go!
Tuesday 1-31-12
We woke up pretty early for zone conference today - we went to the L.A. stake center and met with a couple of other zones for the meeting. My companion and I trained all zones for 1 1/2 hours - our topic was "having an effective companionship study with lesson plans". It was pretty self - explanitory I think. We got alot of good feedback. 2 Elders came up to me and told me that they met Sara in the MTC. Elder Gunnels and Elder Kuo - they are both pretty fresh. Elder Kuo is being trained within my zone - he was excited when he made the connection that Sara is my sister. We went to Cynthia's restaurant for lunch afterwards - some fancy-pants french place. It was really good! She's so nice for feeding us and watching out for us all the time. We taught Andres a little about the Word of Wisdom - he's doing great. His dad owns a Deli in Ventura - like 2 hours away - and has to go there every weekend. It's been tough for him to get to church weekly.
We did our weekly service again - Erna was waiting for me at the convalescent home, loyal and faithful as ever... just perched in her wheelchair, itchin for me to take her to the market. She's the best. I went on splits with Elder Langi - I took him to my area - we are still focusing on building our teaching pool, so we fished for the most part of the day. He's from Tonga - i've told you about him before - mom and dad have sent him a few things - he really respects me for that I think - I know he is so grateful for mom and dad and their care for him. We gave a lady a blessing in some random projects in Culver City. She isn't in our area, but the missionaries in her area are sisters - so we go the call. She was a super nice lady and even had some food prepared for us. I ate a small chile - it was way hotter than I expected. I enjoyed it however. We were able to find 1 new investigator today - Manuel. I can't tell how solid he is, but atleast he said we can come back.
For every weekly planning session that I have left, i've chosen to go somewhere different. It's a long 3 hours and i'd atleast like to be in a good environment to do it! Last week was the mountains, this week we went down in front of the Santa Monica Pier and sat on a bench over looking the ocean. It was a nice day. We did some more fishing - with alot of success this time! in just over an hour, we found 4 new investigators! I was way happy about that. But tired for sure. We ate with the Barahona's - they reserved me for dinner on my last day available - i'll miss that family for sure - they've been really good to us in the last 6 months that i've been here. We visited the Choto's for a minute and then got a call to go give a blessing to a member in the singles ward. I've really learned to appreciate opportunities I receive to give blessings. It's a great way to excercise the priesthood and grow the testimonies of all who are present.
No district meetings this week - due to the zone conference we had on tuesday. We went to the office and worked out the mileage for the cars in the zone for the month of february - it's a pretty tedious job, but I don't mind it. Mom sent me a great package today with a check-list that i'm to fill out every time I offer service. I'm pretty sure it's a competition between sara and I. Sara doesn't have a chance. Actually, thats all they stinkin do in the MTC - so we'll be looking for more opportunites to serve. We almost set a baptismal date with Hector - he was really really close. He wants us to talk to his wife first though - he doesn't feel comfortable doing it without his wife's consent. I respect that. We ate with the Gonzalez family - one that I haven't gotten to know real well since i've been here - they're way cool though. They all dance this mexican folklore stuff.. I can't even explain it. It's really cool though. They're like.. the osmonds.. or something. Anyway, we talked to Bro. Calderon - it was a perfect teaching opportunity, his whole family was there and his nephew. Things were going great and then the kids started to fight and scream and run all over... it was super frustrating. He said that he needed to go take care of the kids... I was so bummed. We set up an appointment to come back.
I've been with Elder Matheson for 100 days - and we're still getting along. That's good right? I'm happy anyway - it could be bad if it was someone else ha. We started off with a lesson at the Padua's - they got our hopes up and said they'd come to church tomorrow - (they didn't) - bummer. It was a good lesson anyway. We fished for a while and found 2 new investigators... sa-weet. We ate at the Barrios - it was a good saturday lunch! I decided that we try a name on the ward list that we've never been able to contact - the gate is always locked. We walked up there right as a man was walking in. It was the husband of the member that lives there. He happily let us in - we walked up the stairs and the sister saw us coming. She got really excited and let us in. I recognized her from the church, but have never talked to her. She was so happy to see us - she introduced us to her family - two of her daughters have been baptized - she has 2 grandsons that are ready to get baptized. She wants us to come every wednesday and teach them. I was way happy that we decided to visit that member.
Today we had an early coordination meeting - then we went to our monthly stake meeting. I spent a couple hours yesterday talking to all of the missionaries in the zone and getting information about their wards. We met with the stake presidency - erik's roommate was there, pres. Vansweden - I was really tired and have a cold, but it went well anyway. I was mainly just glad to get it over with - those meetings are stressful sometimes. Hector wasnt able to come to church but we had a member bring his son, brian. That was really nice of them. I can already see the ward turning around - they are doing alot better. We had a ton of investigators at church today between the 4 companionships in the ward. We ate with the Ortiz family - it's been a while since we've been over there. They're a great family. We watched their pet snake eat a mouse. That wasn't so awesome. We went to a baptism for some Elders in the ward - it was a huge turn-out! The spanish ward was really excited about it and tons of them showed up. Hua was there - we asked if he would play the hymns for the baptism. He told us that he's set a baptismal date for Feb. 25th! I was so stinkin excited. I hope he makes it...
I love you all, have a good week! Elder Cottrell
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Feb. 1, 2012- Finding, fishing and finding
Tuesday 1-24-12
Today we had our zone leader counsel down in Torrance - my last one ever. It was a really good one though - President talked alot about the Atonement - the last 4 or 5 times he has taught out of a book by Tad Callister - it seems like a book i'll have to read when I get back for sure. We ate with the Guarnero's - they are such a nice family. We read 3 Ne 14 with them - they loved the part about Christ teaching repentance. Mariana basically dumped us. That wasn't cool - her boyfriend doesn't really like us coming over i'm pretty sure. Bummer. We are doing so much fishing.. It's been good.
We did service at Fireside again - it was a pretty perfect day. I got to take my favorite lady down again - Erna. She says she doesn't remember me every week - but I know that she does.. somewhere in that head of hers. She's awesome. I got a nice package from mom and dad today - they always send good stuff. More fishing today - more bold-ness. We had a lesson with a part-member family. The husband isn't a member - we watched The Restoration - he wasn't being very cool - saying that his wife only got baptized because of the tradition of her family, etc. right in front of her. It made me kind of upset - I just bore my testimony to him pretty boldly - it was alright. We saw Hector for a minute but he was too busy watching some soccer game...
We drove up the mountain in Malibu today - along the ocean and up the canyon. It was so so nice. It was a really nice day and we just sat on a picnic table by a stream and did weekly planning. It was a good couple of hours. We had dinner with a couple members from the singles ward at the Himilayan restraunt again - they called and wanted to feed us. We gladly accepted. It was so good - I gotta take the family there. We talked to a couple of formers on the doorstep for a bit - they were interested and said they would come to church this sunday!
We had our district meetings today - we presented ' G Series' to the zone - our new goal for february. It's to follow the Standards of Excellence by following Gatorade's system of Prime, Perform and Recover. They liked it alot. We dressed up like coaches and yelled at everyone. It was alright - we got good feedback. We got some lunch and then did the same thing at the next meeting. We ate dinner with the Barrios - the grandpa is visiting and isn't a member. We left them with The Restoration dvd and they comitted to watch it. The evenings have been tough - we have no one to teach and no one likes a knock on the door at 8:30 pm...
We went through the area book today and found some formers and got going around noon. We met with Hector first - our ward mission leader came with us. We had a good lesson out of 3 NE. 11. He's just nervous to get baptized - his wife isn't on board. His son was in the pinewood derby this evening - we went to support him. He didn't win any races - BUT he volunteered to say the opening prayer and lead the audience in the pledge of allegiance. It was pretty cool. He's a good kid. More finding - now formers were home. Rough times without a teaching pool.
We had an early meeting this morning - church started and we got a new bishopric - they'll be awesome. Bro. Ramos called me during church to say that he and his wife had their baby last night. We went to the hospital to visit them. They promised to name the baby Samuel - after me - if it was a boy. It was a girl though so they named her Andrea. Close.. They were so so happy. It was a really great experience. We tried contacting more formers without success. We really really need to find some people that are ready to be baptized.
That was the week - it went well - pray that we can find more people to teach! I love you all and will talk to you soon
Love, Elder Cottrell
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