Elder Moran, Mitillo and I- "our family"

Being spoon fed by Jave
Getting a hair cut
Super hot chilli's, didn't dare do it~

Snow- just kidding- cotton

Soaking wet

Wringing out my clothes

Saying goodbye to my original district in the MtC - Elder Gustin

Elder Simon

Elder Lovelace

Elder Jackson

Elder Dahle

Elder Richins
Elder Bluth

Rainbow after a huge storm

The Griswalds

Elder Hodell, Me and Santa at a Christmas Devotional

Cleaning out the font

Looking in the mirror above the font


Elder Ferrin and Me with the Recinos

Me, Milsa, & Victoria Recinos

New remote helicopters

dumb dogs

Sampson st.


Fence that I ran into-

Me and Denito

Camero and my bike, they were made for each other!

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