My Russian friend from the old folks home.
Chinese food @ Hua'sBrenda on her mini-mission
Civic center before the Thanksgiving service.
E. Ewing's new gear & myself
Enjoying a meal on a break.
The homeless like music too.
My jello mold for Thanksgiving.It collapsed- we took it to dinner anyway.
E.Ewing in district meeting.
Merry crisis & a happy new fear- Venice Blvd & Midvale Ave.
Super proud of the lunch I made.
Gabrielle after the baptism.
Samuelita- the ame of the Ramos's baby- named after yours truly.
Huge dude @ farmers market.
Our poster that took forever to make.
A living turtle, al,ost dropped it.
Business hustlin.
Working the streets.
All the missionaries that taught Lucinda.
E. Allred, Lucinda & I.
Making myself a present.
Finished product.
Merry Christmas.