Monday, August 22, 2011

8-22-11 The Lord was walking me through it!

Well this week was pretty great - I want to share one experience I had because I don't have much time.
On Wednesday I was able to interview a man that was prepared to be baptized - this was his final interview before the dunk. Anyway, he's awesome. We sat down and the first thing he said was "i've really been struggling with my faith this last week and i'm just not sure i'm ready to be baptized" I asked if we could start with a prayer. I said it... as I said it, all of these things started to flow into my mind of what I must say in order to help him. As soon as I was done praying I opened up the scriptures to Alma 32 and read verses 28, 29 and 30. I talked about not having to have a perfect knowledge to know that you should be baptized. I don't even remember all that I said throughout the interview. It seemed like a half hour when in reality it lasted an hour and a half.. It was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had in my life. I was able to address his concerns just exactly how he needed to hear it.. I knew it wasn't me that was talking - i'm not even close to that smart. The Lord worked through me that day.. He guided me and gave me the words to say. Colin was baptized on Sunday and I was able to attend the end of it. He bore his testimony and thanked me for the counsel I gave him... I told him that it was not me.. but the Lord. He is awesome and so excited to start his new life as a member of the church. I wish I could express more fully the amazing experience that I had.. But just trust me when I say that I KNOW the Lord was walking me through that interview..
I love you all and hope you have a great week! Love,
Elder Cottrell

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sam's first Zone Leadership conference 8-2011

Busy Week! 8-16-2011

Tuesday 8-9-11
(yesterday on p-day we went to Bertha's BBQ in Inglewood with some members in Malibu - they own Elvis's Roll's Royce... We didn't ride in it.. but it was still awesome.)
Today we went to the mission home for the zone leader council. We gave a training on working with the ward mission leader in our coordination meetings - I think it went pretty well. We ate lunch and had more trainings for a couple of hours. It was a good meeting. People here are very forward with us - while going to an appointment in an apartment complex, a man came up behind us and said "hey, would you mind skipping my door please? I don't want to talk to you. Thanks" - gentleman.
At 9:30 today a lady came to clean our carpet - we left and did some interviews with the district leaders - just to see how the zone is doing. We went to the promenade - in front of the Santa Monica Pier - every wednesday we have the opportunity to push people around in their wheelchairs along the big farmers market there for an hour or so. It was an awesome experience - alot of random people thanked us for helping out. They were filming something there as well .. for 'celebrity vs. chef' or something like that - that was cool. We organized a whole bunch of stuff afterwards - handing out mileage allotments for the month and telling missionaries that they owe the mission money (traffic tickets, etc.) That was fun. We had a good lesson with Mary and Awah - it went well. Awah is really excited about the church... and knows that if he wants to mary Mary, then he's going to have to be baptized.
We had more interviews with the rest of the District Leaders today at the visitors center. We met with the korean program and the chinese program - it was really cool. They're all top-notch guys. We were going to do weekly planning but got a call to give a blessing at Cedars Sinai - the big fancy jewish hospital in Beverly Hills. We went in and found the room of the guy requesting the blessing. He was about 27 and was involved in a motorcycle accident - he works out here but his parents live in Sandy, UT. They had flown out and given us the call. He was in critical care.. I wont go into detail but he needed alot of work done. His dad talked to us for a while and then we gave the blessing. Cody - the guy in the accident - wasn't really conscious, but he moved his hand to let us know he was there. It was really hard - I can't imagine how the parents were feeling.. It was a great experience however and I felt the spirit really strong.
Today was the district meetings - we did our training on working with the ward mission leader in all 3 of the meetings. The zone seemed to like it for the most part - we are really focusing on bringing the ward/members into this work. We ate lunch and distributed mail afterwards. We helped Mary move down the street - we carried her couches to her new place. We had a good lesson on the plan of salvation with the Calderon family - 4 little kids under the age of 8. That was really fun. The family is really looking for help - and i'm pretty sure they just found it.
We talked to Andres about being confirmed this sunday - he's really excited and already planning on doing baptisms for the dead next month. He will be an awesome member. While we were planning for tomorrow I had a pair of scissors in my hand - I was acting like I was going to cut off the little 'nub' on my right ear.. I accidentally cut it. I didn't cut it off but I left myself a good mark - it was pretty funny other than blood being everywhere. I should have just cut it all the way off.
Church day. Church went awesome and Andres got confirmed - we had a lesson with Alison right after the singles ward meeting. She told us right after we prayed that after we had met last week she was sort of upset. She felt pressured when we asked her to be baptized on the 28th. She spent a long time praying and asking God what to do. She wasn't going to meet with us anymore. She had a talk with her mom about what she's learned in the church (her mom is chinese and doesn't know about the church) - later that night her mom emailed her and said 'i've never seen you light up and be so excited about anything. I will support you in whatever you choose to do with this church.' She told us that she knew satan was trying to get her to stop meeting with us - and so to counter-act that, she is going to be baptized on the 28th! it was so awesome to hear that story.. the spirit was so strong.
Today we had our zone conference with Elder Duncan of the 70. It went really well. He met with all of the leadership before the meeting and gave us some ideas for boosting the confidence of the missionaries and helping them fulfil their purpose with excitment. We found 2 families later on! It was a great day.
I"m out of time and have to go, but I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Elder Cottrell

Monday, August 8, 2011

-It's been a good week everyone - thank you for your prayers!

8-2-11 Tuesday

Elder ferrin and I drove elder cornelio and elder cruz to the mission home and dropped them off - they go home tomorrow. We visited some members in his area, said goodbye to some in my area and finished packing. At dinner I was petting a pretty big dog.. right when I left I patted it on it's head.. for some reason it freaked out and clamped down on my middle finger. It was weird and didnt feel great. Anyway, it was a busy day trying to get everything done for the move tomorrow.


Woke up today pretty overwhelmed with what was about to happen. Brother Muller picked me up and we took the hour drive to my new apartment in South Robertson. It's one of the more 'ghetto' area's in the zone - but it's still nice. My companion is Elder Maddox - we came out together - he's from Lewiston UT and worked with cows his whole life. He's a funny guy. We had a couple of lessons that went really well - (I have 0 time to write this email so i'm going to summarize everything)


Today we had a meeting with all of the new zone leaders, the A.P.'s and president. It was pretty good - learned some of my duties and what I need to do during this next... however long i'm a zone leader. We had a meeting with our district leaders and talked about a zone goal. The rest of the day we planned a zone goal. It's called 'if you believe you can achieve'... catchy right? It's all about using these 'standards of excellence' and getting a baptism for the month of august - every companionship. We gave a blessing to a girl in a jewish hospital in century city... or beverly hills.. i dont remember. It was an awesome experience. I wish I had time to share it.. She's from arizona and was reffered by a friend that saw that she was sick on FaceBook. She's really interested now and said that we helped to change her life.


Finishe the zone goal and went to Staples to print some things off for the zone members. We had the district meetings - in the 3 districts we have, we spent a half hour in each, presenting the zone goal. Our zone is multi-cultural. We have the korean program, english, spanish and the BRAND NEW - FIRST TRANSFER EVER - chinese program - it's pretty awesome. Like I said before, most of the members in the zone are sister missionaries because we have the Visitors Center. They've been great - they really just do whatever you tell them, don't whine or complain, etc. We took out 2 service missionaries with us after that to see some people. The lessons were great. We had ANOTHER district meeting (the shifts in the V.C. are different so every friday one of the districts cant have their meeting until 3) The zone loves the goal and we are way excited about it.


Long story short - went to beverly hills, everything fell through, got asked to do a training next tuesday at the Zone Leader Conference so we spent some time planning that. Had a meeting with the La Cienega (spanish ward) bishop. Things have been great with Elder Maddox so far - he seems to manage everything pretty well.


Church day - we went to La Cienega from 10 to 1 . It was their ward conference and went pretty well - nothing too strange happened. It seemed like a pretty normal ward. Then we headed over to the Sawtell building for the Santa Monica 3rd Singles Ward. - basically college all over again. There are some really big people in that ward - Kevin Prince - the quarterback for UCLA is in it as well as Chelsea Hightower from Dancing with the stars. Everyone in there is either doing some fancy-pants residency to be a dentist or doctor - or they work in the film business. It's sweet. Everyone wants to be in this ward... so I feel pretty priveleged to do so. We had a lesson with Allison after church - an investigator - she wants to be baptized. Awesome. We ate dinner with some college students and then met with the elders quorum president. It went great. We went to the apartment and collected all of the numbers for the zone and sent them in - it was busy but went cool.

That was the week - thank you again for everything - everyone. I love you! Keep praying for me and i'll do the same for you


Elder Cottrell

Hey mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,

How's it goin? Thanks for the letter, it was great to hear from you. That's awesome you're in SF right now, what did laci do for her b-day?? i need to get something sent off to her, i've been so busy. The bet you have with Scott Lali is funny - i'm really excited to hear about college football - it's crazy to think that i'll be home right after college football ends - and it's starting up in just a few weeks. Tell grandpa cottrell that he is right, you almost ALWAYS have to be a district leader before being a zone leader, but not in this case - I promise I was never anything more than a senior companion haha. It's been the busiest week of my mission - hands down. But it's awesome. I hate to say it, but you get so much more respect in this position... from everyone. It feels good - but I will not let it get to my head. I know that i'm just like every other missionary in the world - this isn't even a 'calling', its an 'assignment'.. So I know i'm no better than anyone else, just have more responsibility. Hey what have you heard about the Book of Mormon musical? EVERYONE asks us about it.. you should listen to the soundtrack and see if it'd be appropriate to send me - i've heard it's pretty good. Share this part of the email with everyone will ya? - The zone I am over is the richest in the mission - we have Beverly Hills, Malibu, Venice, Brentwood, Beverlywood, Santa Monica, Bel Air, Marina Del Rey and West HollyWood - I drive down "ave of the stars" every day. It's really nice. Almost the entire zone is sister missionaries because of all of the ones that work in the Visitors Center - also they only put sisters in the really nice area's for some reason. It's been awesome - but like I said, super busy. We cover a spanish family ward AND a young single adult ward that's english in Santa Monica - i'll talk about that more later. I don't have much time so I better write the big email. I love you!

Elder Cottrell

Monday, August 1, 2011

New photos from my mission!

Missionaries helped with the  Run for a Cure for Cancer event.

 Nice hair!

Hallie Berry

Brian, Sis Munoz, Leo

Tabac o Tea

 Leo & lady friend
 Pit Bull
Ivette, baby & husband
Recinos Family

James' Baptism

Ghetto Bird after us!

 Burcha missionaries

Elder Allred & I

Spam & A1 sauce

random cat

another cat.

bubble pipe



Compton's Finest

The Schillings

A random garden in the City.

Really good bbq

 Lordes birthday
 Cosnelio taping the bathroom door shut.
 Eder & Brenda Baptism

Eder, myself, Lourdes, Brenda, Cruz, Rogers
 Laura's Baptism
 Perfect Temple picture

Lourdes, Brenda, Elder Cruz & I

Great view

My new suit

 Elders Corneho, me Ferrin and Cruz

 Throwing rocks.

 Hiking back up in my suit.